Monday, December 2, 2019

Spelling, Week of 12/2/19

Spelling Words
2nd grade sight words, 70-75
final blend –mp

1. land
2. different
3. home
4. us
5. move
6. bump
7. stump
8. clump
9. stamp
10. camp

i-Ready Winter Diagnostic started today.  Students will not be able to work on i-Ready at home until they have completed the diagnostic.  I hope to have everyone finished by Wednesday.

December calendars also went home in the Red Folders today.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you have a wonderful day full of family, food, and good times!

November Events

We had a busy month.  Here are some of the highlights:

We had an author visit.  The author was Jason Bloom and he wrote the exciting adventure story, Malia's Ravine.  Here we are attending the author's presentation...

Link to book

We learned about messages in stories.  Here is an activity we did with the story, "The English Roses" by Madonna.

Link to Book

We also helped many turkeys hide to see another day with our "Disguise a Turkey" project.  Oh well, I guess we'll be having ham!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Spelling Packet, Week of 11/18/19

Spelling Words
2nd grade sight words, 66-70

-or pattern
1. ask
2. went
3. men
4. read
5. need
6. short
7. core
8. sport
9. report
10. escort

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

School Pictures

School pictures went home today.  If you didn't pre-order proofs were sent home if you would like to order through Leonard's.  Make-up picture day will be December 4, 2019 for those who were absent on picture day. 


Tomorrow (11/13/19) is an early release day.  We will walk at 1:00 PM.

Spelling, Week of 11/11/19

Please note because this is a short week there is one less night to complete homework. Plan accordingly...

Spelling Words
2nd grade sight words, 61-65

r-controlled “e”
1. such
2. because
3. turn
4. here
5. why
6. germ
7. herd
8. clerk
9. nerve
10. serve