Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Cliff Hanger" Vocabulary Game

Link to Cliff Hanger vocabulary game


Introducing Jean Craighead George

This week's story, Cliff Hanger, was written by Jean Craighead George.  Ms George is known for her many books that incorporate natural settings with adventure.  Her most awarded book is the classic Julie of the Wolves, winner of a Newberry Honor award.  Ms. George's love for nature led her to write for children because "children are still in love with nature".

My first introduction to Ms. George's works was when I read My Side of the Mountain when I was in middle school.  It was one of my favorites.  Although it was first published in 1959, it remains a timeless tale of adventure.

I encourage you to visit her website for more information about Jean Craighead George and her wonderful library of books.


Week of August 29, 2011

This week we will begin our first story in the textbook, "Cliff Hanger" by Jean Craighead George.  It is the story of a boy named Axel who must save his dog Grits who is trapped on a mountain ledge.

This story starts off Unit One: Off to Adventure, where we will read three adventure stories.  One realistic fiction (Cliff Hanger), one legend (The Ballad of Mulan) and one fantasy story (The Lost and Found).

Our spelling words this week are as follows:
1. mix
2. milk
3. smell
4. last
5. head
6. friend
7. class
8. left
9. thick
10. send
11. thin
12. stick
13. test
14. dish
15. empty
16. stick

Spelling Packets go home Monday, August 29, 2011 and are due on Friday, September 2, 2011.

Monday, August 22, 2011


What a great day!  The kids are awesome and I had a great day getting to know them.  Parents, thanks for the supplies and filling out the beginning of the year paperwork.  I will continue to collect supplies and paperwork for the rest of the week.  Don't forget OPEN HOUSE on August 25, 2011 at 6:30 PM.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Our theme this year is "Building Bridges to Higher Learning".  Mrs. Graham, our principal, picked this theme because of the "re-building" we are doing as a school this year, after all of the changes that have occurred because of budget, faculty changes, and the building of Waterleaf Elementary School.  On a deeper level I feel this theme really reflects what happens during a school year.  Students and teachers have to work at building a framework in which new learning and understanding can occur.  After the frame work is complete, the students must pave a way to the next grade level, crossing the bridge slowly and with purpose.  In the end, we all reach the other side, richer for the experience, and ready to build another new bridge.  So, it's time to don our "hard hats" and get to work.


I would like to welcome everyone back to school, as well as welcome you to my new blog.  This is something new I am trying out this year, so bear with me as I learn how maintain this site.  I hope this will be an informative and helpful tool for parents to improve communication and foster relationships.  Please check back often to see updates and what is going on in class.

Again, welcome.  I look forward to a great school year.

-Patrick Nix