Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Habits of Good Readers

Today we discussed the habits good readers possess, and how we identify and apply these traits.  The workshop opened with the reading of "The Story of Ferdinand" by Munro Leaf.  This classic story tells about a young bull who is different from the other bulls, but is happy to be different and unique.  While I read the story, I modeled some strategies of good readers.  When we broke into groups, the students brainstormed about the strategies they saw, and strategies they have learned in the past.

Here is the list the students compiled:
 Good readers...

  • Look back in the story to check understanding
  • Read carefully
  • Re-read challenging passages
  • Look at the text features in a book
  • Ask questions to themselves as they read
  • Predict as they read
  • Make connections as they read
  • Reflect on what they have read
  • Use prior knowledge
  • Make extensions by thinking what could happen after a story ends.   

We will work on developing these habits all year.

Happy Reading,
Mr. Nix