Sunday, October 21, 2012

"The Keeping Quilt"

"The Keeping Quilt" is a favorite of mine because of the deep text-to-self connection I have with the story.  My grandmother was a life-long quilter who made quilts for family and friends.  Although she is no longer with us, my family has several beautiful quilts that help us feel comforted and close to her.  Many of the scraps in her quilts were left-over scraps from shirts, dresses, and pajamas made for my sister, cousins, and myself.  We look at Gramsey's quilts as not only bed coverings, but holders of memories passed.
Gramsey, Wesley and Connor, 2008

"The Keeping Quilt" was written by Patria Polacco.  It is the story of a cherished family heirloom, passed from generation to generation.  For the next few weeks we will begin our unit on family celebrations with an auhor study of Patricia Polacco and some of her best stories.  We will read about traditions, family, kindness, and customs.  This is one of my favorite units of studet and I can't wait to share Ms. Polacco's books with your children.  

Patricia Polacco, one of my favorite authors!