Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What's Happening This Week...

Please come to Open House....Seriously, you can't resist me.

Reminder: OPEN HOUSE, Thursday night at 6:30 PM  There are two sessions so you can visit both Mrs. Allison's and my class (6:30-7:15 and 7:15-8:00).

On Wednesday, August 28, the students will take the IOWA test.  This is a standardized test that I will be using as a diagnostic tool to pinpoint your child's strengths and weaknesses.  The district Curriculum Guide Baseline Test will also be given between Friday and next Wednesday (the schedule is still being finalized.

I am also pleased to announce that my intern from UNF, Mr. Griffin, will be joining our class on Wednesday, August 28.

Our PTA fundraiser kick-off is Thursday, August 29.  Be on the lookout for those catalogs!

Our first spelling test will be Friday, August 30.

There will be no school on Monday, September 2 (Labor Day)

I think I got everything,  somewhere in there I plan on teaching a few things too :)

Have a great rest of the week,
Mr. Nix