Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Homework Tonight, August 30, 2016

  • Math Module 1, Lesson 6 Homework WS
  • Saxon Phonics Lesson 7 HW
  • Continue working on your weekly spelling assignment

Don't forget tomorrow is Early Release.  Don't forget your Boosterthon pledges!
Have a great evening!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Homework Tonight (8/25/16)

Math Lesson 4 Homework (both sides!)
Phonics Worksheet #4

Please pledge to Boosterthon (funrun.com).  So far we have raised $5.00 per lap (Great job Tucker!!!)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Homework Tonight (8/24/16)

  • Module 1 Lesson 3 Math HW
  • Saxon WS #

Boosterthon Pledge Code

The Boosterthon pledge code is 285823.

Go to https://funrun.boosterthon.com to register tonight.  All students that register will get a prize.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Homework Tonight (8/22/16)

Sight word say and spell check (Saxon Phonics WS 1)

Have a great evening!

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Important dates coming up...

Boosterthon Pep Rally....Wednesday August 24
Boosterthon Fun Run.....Friday September 2

"The Visit"

As you may of heard, we had a district visit conducted in the classroom on Wednesday, August 18th (I know, the 3rd day of school!).  The visitors were the regional superintendent, her assistant, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Jacob, our assistant principals at SPE.

The children behaved wonderfully and I was so proud of how they continued to participate in class and work around the disruption of having 4 other adults in the room.  After my 90 minute debrief (!) I have a lot of direction on where to move the class and we will be starting centers, homework, Saxon phonics and writing this week.

I have been informed that the visit will be repeated at a later date and will let you know how it goes.

Have a great week!!!

Theme in Literature

Last week we started reading fairy tales.  So far we have read "The Fisherman and His Wife", and "The Emperor's New Clothes".  This week we will read "Beauty and the Beast".  Our instructional goal is to get a better understanding of literary theme within the stories.  Many times when we read folktales, which includes fairy tales and tall tales, there is a story or moral the author wants us to learn.  This week, as you choose books to read at home, ask your student the following questions:

  • What is the message or lesson in the story?
  • How do you know?  What was the evidence that helped you know the message?

This week we will continue reading folktales, introducing tall tales to the mix as well.

I hope you have a great week!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

"Need-to-knows" for the first day of school

Here are some things you need to know for the first day of school...

  • You may come directly to the classroom (Room 85) as you arrive on campus on Monday morning.  Starting on Tuesday you will sit outside of the classroom until the 8:25 bell.  Parents may walk students to the room Monday as well.
  • Don't worry if you haven't bought school supplies yet, we won't need those things immediately.
  • Be prepared to tell Mr. Nix how you will be going home in the afternoon (extended day, car-riders, parent pick-up, walk or bike)
  • Lunch time: 11:40 AM-12:10 PM
  • Dismissal for secpnd grade begins at 2:50 PM.  We usually arrive at parent pick-up by 2:55 PM
  • Remember if you are a bike rider you MUST wear a helmet

Welcome to the 2016 2017 School Year!

Tomorrow starts the new school year.  In addition to all of the excitement the first day of school brings, there is also some anxiety, but I think overall it is fun to start "fresh" every August..  I am looking forward to the school year and all of the new experiences it will bring.

As you may have noticed, this blog was inactive for the 2015/2016 school year.  There were many factors involved in that decision.  Being new to second grade last year, a new curriculum, and the need to rest from blogging duties for awhile were some of those factors.   The school year, however, was wonderful.  I had great students, I loved teaching second grade, and I got to work with some awesome people that I hadn't been able to work with before.

You may also notice that my blog will, at times, focus not only on being a resource for parents, but a place for myself to journal and reflect on my teaching experiences throughout the year.

So, welcome to my new journey, the 2016/2017 school year.  I think it will be great!