Friday, May 17, 2013

Novel Study: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

We have finished our Beverly Cleary author study and are now moving into a novel study of the book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume.

Like Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume believes in portraying children very realistically.  Bevelry Cleary served as an inspiration to Judy Blume in writing about children and showing them at their best, and sometime at their worst.  Judy Blume helped give a voice to children and their concerns, particularly in terms of sibling rivalry and a person's place within their family.

In Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, we get to know Peter Hatcher.  Peter has a pretty good life but there is one problem, his brother, Farley Drexel Hatcher, also known as "Fudge".  This tale of sibling rivalry was probably a favorite of yours, and I hope will become a favorite of my students.

Happy Reading!