Thursday, September 12, 2019

Close Reading

Parents hear the term "close reading" often, but may not know what close reading actually entails.  Close reading is when the reader is closely looking at the author's craft, at specific strategies for comprehension, and for evidence to support answering complex questions.

Close reading is part of answering text-dependent questions.  One way we measure a student's comprehension is to ask questions that make the reader go back into the text to find supporting evidence and details to adequately answer the question.  It is a rather complicated process!!!

So how does a second grader start to navigate this complex way of thinking?  By developing the habits of a good reader:

  • Good readers ask questions as they read.
  • Good readers stop often to think about what they read.
  • Good readers re-read.
  • Good readers look for evidence to help them answer questions.
  • Good readers read the comprehension questions before they read the passage.

These habits will be taught and instilled in your child this school year.  Help reinforce these habits in your at-home reading, as well.