Monday, March 12, 2012

Week of March 12, 2012

Don't forget the zoo field trip on Thursday, March 15, 2012.  Please send a sack lunch for your child.  They will be eating in the classrooms when we return to the building at 1:00 PM.

If you are chaperoning please be at the building in time to get a visitor's badge from the main office before reporting to the classroom (between 8:45-9:15).

There is no homework packet this week and no spelling until after FCAT.

Take home packets will be sent home on Tuesday, 3/13/12.  Please review and return on Wednesday 3/14/12.

Spring break is next week, 3/19-3/23.

The next early release day is Wednesday, 3/28/12

The third nine weeks ends on Monday 4/2/12.  There will be a teacher's planning day on Thursday 4/5/12 and no school on Friday 4/6/12.