Monday, March 26, 2012

Week of March 26, 2012

Welcome back students!!! I hope everyone had a great Spring Break!

The homework for this week is a reading comprehension packet, given to the students today.  It is due Friday March 30, 2012.

We have an Early Release on Wednesday, 3/28/12.

There is no school for students on Thursday, 4/5/12 and Friday 4/6/12.

FCAT begins on Monday, April 16, 2012.  WE ARE READY!  The students have worked very hard and we are now reviewing two of the more difficult and important skills in reading, inferring and predicting.  We will cover two more stories reviewing these target skills.  We will also cover the benchmark on prefixes and suffixes over the next three weeks.  By the first day of FCAT we will have covered every tested benchmark.  We will stay on our normal schedule and maintain our normal instructional focus.  I feel excessive "cramming" before the test only adds stress and nervousness to the students.

I am very confident that the students will do GREAT!  They have worked so hard this school year and I am amazed at the progress being made by all of the students.  I am very proud of all of my students.  I also want to THANK YOU, the parents, for your support and assistance.  This has truly been a team effort, and we are almost to the goal!