Thursday, March 14, 2013

Author Spotlight: Harriet Peck Taylor

One of the FCAT skills we learn in third grade is understanding the author's purpose, or reason, for writing a story.  In the book, "Two Days in May", we read about a community pulling together to protect five deer that have wandered into the city.  As implausible as this sounds, it actually did happen in Chicago in 1996.

Why was this story written?  Why did Ms. Taylor choose this subject?

Harriet Peck Taylor says....

"I felt I had an important story to tell here because decreasing animal habitat is an issue that is commonplace and becoming widespread.  I was also inspired by how the neighborhood worked together to do something really positive."

Many time stories are inspired by real events that happen in an author's life, or events that interest them. The environmental message also appealed to Ms. Taylor.

Link to Harriet Peck Taylor's website
Link to Leyla Torres's website (the illustrator)

Happy Reading!
Mr. Nix