Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inferring with Text

This week we are working on the inferring skill.  Inferring is when you make a judgments or draw a conclusion about a character or events within a story.

You infer by using two things....

  • Text evidence (details from the story)
  • Schema (what you already know, or your prior knowledge)

We will be using the folktale "Ballad of Mulan" to practice the inferring skill.   The author uses minimal text and very vivid illustrations to tell the story.  Because of this, students have to infer, or make educated guesses about how the characters feel within the story.


    Suddenly, the sound of weaving changed to sorrowful sighs.
    "What troubles you?" her mother asked.
    "Nothing Mother,"Mulan replied softly.

What is Mulan feeling?  (Inferring)  

  • She is feeling sad.

How do you know (Text Evidence)

  • She gave a sorrowful sigh (sighs are a sigh of worry and sadness)
  •  Her mother asks, "What troubles you?"

This week, have your student stop as they read to ask themselves what the character in their story is feeling and why.  These deeper connections with the reading helps improve one's reading skills.