Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What's Happening This Week (Week of 9/2/13)

I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful Labor Day weekend...

As you may know we have been taking the Curriculum Guide Assessment (CGA) yesterday and today.  The CGA is a district test that assesses how well the student is learning the reading standards they have to learn throughout the year.  The CGA will be given at the end of each quarter.  The CGA we took over the past two days was a "baseline" that shows what the students know entering 3rd grade.

Don't forget Spelling Test 1.2 is Friday, 9/6/13.  There was one less night to work on spelling packets so I thank you in advance for keeping your child on track during this short week.

We will also have a selection test on the story "Night of the Pufflings" on Friday, 9/6.  All of my reading tests are open book.  The students will be able to bring their reading books home tomorrow night to re-read the story.  We will be reviewing and preparing for the test on Thursday, 9/5.

Have a great rest of the week!
Mr. Nix